domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Autonomous Learning

April 25

in the autonomous learning class, learned how to write a lesson plan to organize the time to be able to perform all the activities we have planned, the parts of lesson plan, these

1)warm up
is an activity which serves to introduce the topic. Most of the times this activity tends to be a dinamic game or something that engages students to work in the classroom. It last about five minutes.
It is the general idea of the lesson plan. Generally it shows what is going to be worked later. The introducton help people to be prepare about the lesson. It takes about ten minutes.
This is the part where students work. They usually work indivudually or in pairs. It takes about ten minutes
This is the part in which student produce their own material. Most of the times students most solve questions.
  it can be a warm up at the end of the class. it lasts about five minutes

To conclude, A lesson plan allows the teacher schedule the activities that are going to be part of the     class

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Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...