domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

Autonomous learning class, May 25

In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each group a case study, this case study is the final project
To develop the project we will use a platform called wikispaces, this platform gives us the possibility that each member of the group do their part of the project from their account in wiki spaces and another partner can edit and complement it, this way it is not Necessary for the personal meeting and facilitates the realization of the project because each member of the group can do their work from home and with the time available.
Resultado de imagen para wikispaces

The case study that corresponded to my work group poses a situation in which an English teacher has to find a way so that two children from countries historically in the war can forget their differences and work together.
This case we study it to discover the best way to solve the problem we must investigate its causes, the consequences and therefore we will give a solution,

In our case we have to investigate the causes of why countries are at war, how they affect society, and what similarities they have in order to demonstrate to students that just as they have differences they also have similarities.

This video explains how to create a project in the wikispaces

lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

May 16th

In the autonomuos learning class, the last group of classmates oriented  the class applying the lesson plan, the class theme were  the parts of speech.

 Warm up: they make a game in which we had to say only odd numbers and who made a mistake should  describe a companion with adjectives.

Introduction: the parts of speech

*Noun: a word used to identify whatever thing that exists
*Proper nouns: they name specific one of a kind items, and they begin with capital letters, no matter      where they occur within a sentence.
*Common nouns: are words used to name general items rather than specific ones.
*Abstract  nouns: are words that name things that are not concrete.
*Countable nouns: are individual people, animals, places,things or ideas which can be counted.
*Uncountable nouns: are not individual objects, so they cannot be counted.

*Verb: is a word that expresses actions
*Auxiliary verbs: are used together with a main verb to show the verb´s tense or to form a negative      question.

*Pronoun: a pronoun is a defined as a word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun  phrase, which one replaced, is known as the pronoun´s antecedent.

*Adverb: is a word that is used to change or qualify the meaning of an adjective, verb, another adverb or any other type of word

*Adjective: are words that describe or modify others words

*Conjunction; a conjunction is a part of speech that is used to connect words, phrases, clauses, or sentences.

*prepositions; a preposition is a word use to link nouns, pronouns or phrases to other words within a  sentence.

For the practice, they gave us a guide and we solved them to practice what we had learned


The working group used the hot seat strategy, a mate sat on the hot seat and had to guess a phrase with clues given by his teammates. For this his companios told him if the phrase had verbs, nouns, pronouns. etc

The group of companions gave us a guide with exercises to solve

May  18th

In the autonomous learning class we met RubiStar, which is a tool that helps teachers to create Rubrics. with rubics we can evaluate different criteria of any type of activity , in the class we create a rubric to self-evaluate the class we counsel applying the lesson plan and the strategies of the curriculum

The criteria we evaluated were:
*collaboration with peers
*posture and eye contact

¿How to create a rubric?
1) choose a template that comes close to what you want

2) write the information in the rubric:
    firts name, last name

3) select the values that will give the criteria evaluated

4) select the criteria you are going to evaluated

5) click the send button

6) click the download button or the print button

This video explains the parts of speech

This video explains how to made a Rubric


domingo, 14 de mayo de 2017

May 9

in the autonomus learning class, the teacher reviewed the portfolio which should have the dossier with the evidence of our learning process.
this is very importan because the teacher known how we reinforce our knowledge autonomously

May 12
in the autonomous learning class, two groups of classmates guide a class following the lesson plan and applying a strategy the drama across the curriculum

the firts group they explained their rules of use, the types of adjectives and their different uses

the second group explained the countries lenguages and nationalities and they used the strategy of the puppets

with these strategies are better understood the concepts of the class in a fun and interactive way with students

 this video teaches us about countries, nationalities, countries and                                                           languages

Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...