domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017

Autonomous learning class, May 25

In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each group a case study, this case study is the final project
To develop the project we will use a platform called wikispaces, this platform gives us the possibility that each member of the group do their part of the project from their account in wiki spaces and another partner can edit and complement it, this way it is not Necessary for the personal meeting and facilitates the realization of the project because each member of the group can do their work from home and with the time available.
Resultado de imagen para wikispaces

The case study that corresponded to my work group poses a situation in which an English teacher has to find a way so that two children from countries historically in the war can forget their differences and work together.
This case we study it to discover the best way to solve the problem we must investigate its causes, the consequences and therefore we will give a solution,

In our case we have to investigate the causes of why countries are at war, how they affect society, and what similarities they have in order to demonstrate to students that just as they have differences they also have similarities.

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Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...