domingo, 26 de marzo de 2017

Autonomous learning class, March 23rd

In the autonomous learning class we learned all the theological tools that students have, such as study pages, blogs, YouTube, etc.
We create our own blog, in which we are going to publish topics related to autonomous learning, this will help us learn how to handle these technological tools,
It is very important to know and manage all the technological tools that exist, because they will help us to develop our learning

Autonomous learning class, March 23rd

In the autonomous learning class, we read a document about the characteristics that a self-employed student should have and how to develop them.
We did a test to know what our style of learning was and what study methods we should implement according to the result we obtained. In addition to developing a workshop in a group of works, on the autonomy and characteristics of an autonomous student.

I think that in order to be autonomous students we must first understand what autonomy consists of. And knowing what our learning style will help us develop methods of study that will make us more independent when it comes to learning.

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Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...