domingo, 9 de abril de 2017


in autonomous learning class, we learned about the  study skills,  different methodos of study and  tecniques that can be used to improve the procces of learning.

These are some of the study skills we saw in class

*pay attention in class
is very important, to concentrate in the class and eleminate any kind of distraction, which may prevent us from understanding what the teacher explains

*ask questions in class
 in case of doubt, it is important to ask the teacher to clarify it, so that he can understand the rest of  the class.

Resultado de imagen para ni;o alzando la mano para preguntar en clase

*take good notes
taking notes help us remember importan topics in the class, as well as helping us to understand in an easier way
Resultado de imagen para imagenes de niños tomando notas en clase

*kepp an organised notebook
 keep organize  our notebook help us to carry an order referring to the class subjects seen
 Imagen relacionada

It is important to know the study and learning skills, because these can be applied in our learning procces and help us to be good students.

on this page, you will find more information about the study skills.

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Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...