sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

march 28th

In the autonomous learning class, the teacher explained the advantages of the correct use of technology in the education and the important that teachers teach students to use technology as a study tool.

The teacher showed us a page web which contains courses, games and activities to learn English.
 We also organize work groups to search for web pages that offer different activities to learn English   and we chose the one we liked best for make an exposition explaining your tools and how it works 

March 30th

In the autonomous learning class, many presentations about different web pages were made which we can use as tools to learn English and practice it, these web pages offer us to enhance our vocabulary, learn grammar rules, verbs, etc. it includes interactive games which allow us learn in funny an dynamic way
In these web pages we play interactively and we can enjoy the activities proposed for the other classmates.
I think it is very important to know these web pages and learn how to handle them, in order to practice our English in free time

These are the pages that were exposed in class=

-ESL Games
-La mansión del ingles
-Om personal

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Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...