domingo, 30 de abril de 2017

Autonomous Learning

April 25

in the autonomous learning class, learned how to write a lesson plan to organize the time to be able to perform all the activities we have planned, the parts of lesson plan, these

1)warm up
is an activity which serves to introduce the topic. Most of the times this activity tends to be a dinamic game or something that engages students to work in the classroom. It last about five minutes.
It is the general idea of the lesson plan. Generally it shows what is going to be worked later. The introducton help people to be prepare about the lesson. It takes about ten minutes.
This is the part where students work. They usually work indivudually or in pairs. It takes about ten minutes
This is the part in which student produce their own material. Most of the times students most solve questions.
  it can be a warm up at the end of the class. it lasts about five minutes

To conclude, A lesson plan allows the teacher schedule the activities that are going to be part of the     class

¿how to make a lesson plan?

domingo, 23 de abril de 2017


April 18

In the autonomous learning class, 
we perform an exam,about the subjects seen in class ask skills study, skills learning, types of learning and C.E,F.L. (levels), the exam had questions of multiple choice, short answers and long answers.                                                           
we perform exhibitions about pages web for learning English, practice and strengthen what we already know, using games, exercises of writing, exercises listening, ETC.

The page we, saw in class are these:

this is an app, we can download from play store or app store, we can learning different languages, through short coursers.

Resultado de imagen para memrise


this page web,offers us courses of grammar, voculary, speaking, reading, listening and  writing, each courses has exercises, also the games to pratice english while having fun.

Resultado de imagen para


this page web, offers us courses of grammar, vocabulary, pronuciation, spelling, listening, speaking, reading y writing, each course has exercecies and quizzes.

Resultado de imagen para

On the page web, found courses the listen, watch, grammar, vocabulary, business, work and writing, for practice and learning grammar rules, in a funny way, by games and exercises.

Resultado de imagen para learning english british council

 April 20                                                                                                                     

In the autonomous learning class, we learning the theme, Drama across the curriculum, which consists in the introduction of kinestic techniques in the class classroom, some kind of drama ”  in this order to make classes more interactive and make children participe and have fun. it also adds interest to classes, promotes the commitment of the children and encourages ,for example
role play, improvisation, costume.

This page web, will find are different series of techniques of dramazation:

two work gruops exposed pages web for learning english, each page web exposed has multiple tools to make learning english easier and more fun.

The page we, saw in class are these:

This page web, has many tools for learning english as grammar courses, flashcards wich vocabulary, songs, movies and television.
Also has exercises of listening,  stories reading, videos and games.

Resultado de imagen para saber ingles

This page web, has short courses of grammar, vocabulary, english basics, pronuntiation and british
culture for learning and practice English

Resultado de imagen para learn english online free

learning through drama

This video explains the advantages of applied dramatization in education

domingo, 9 de abril de 2017

these videos will find learning tips

April 6

In the autonomous learning class, the teacher taught us different tips to prepare for a test, to study at home, to solve a test and the importance of organizing your time to achieve all our responsabilities as student.

These is some tips

*don`t study after 11.00 pm
*divide time equally between subjects
*put a copy somewhere to keep parents informed

If we apply these tips to our live as students, we will get positive results in our learning procces.

Also, some classmates they exhibited web pages that help us learng english, using games, courses and activities.

These are the web pages


in autonomous learning class, we learned about the  study skills,  different methodos of study and  tecniques that can be used to improve the procces of learning.

These are some of the study skills we saw in class

*pay attention in class
is very important, to concentrate in the class and eleminate any kind of distraction, which may prevent us from understanding what the teacher explains

*ask questions in class
 in case of doubt, it is important to ask the teacher to clarify it, so that he can understand the rest of  the class.

Resultado de imagen para ni;o alzando la mano para preguntar en clase

*take good notes
taking notes help us remember importan topics in the class, as well as helping us to understand in an easier way
Resultado de imagen para imagenes de niños tomando notas en clase

*kepp an organised notebook
 keep organize  our notebook help us to carry an order referring to the class subjects seen
 Imagen relacionada

It is important to know the study and learning skills, because these can be applied in our learning procces and help us to be good students.

on this page, you will find more information about the study skills.

domingo, 2 de abril de 2017

This document explains the importance of the implementation of technology in education

The Importance of Technology in Education

In the world that we currently live in, technology is a very vital factor. With each passing day a new software or gadget is being brought into the market that serves to improve our lives in one way or another and make it much easier and also to advance an already existing software or gadget. However, it is important to note that despite the fact that technology plays a big role in making our lives easier, it is not the only role it has.
Technology is increasingly growing it’s  importance in the education sector. The more technology advances, the more benefits it provides for students at every education level

sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

march 28th

In the autonomous learning class, the teacher explained the advantages of the correct use of technology in the education and the important that teachers teach students to use technology as a study tool.

The teacher showed us a page web which contains courses, games and activities to learn English.
 We also organize work groups to search for web pages that offer different activities to learn English   and we chose the one we liked best for make an exposition explaining your tools and how it works 

March 30th

In the autonomous learning class, many presentations about different web pages were made which we can use as tools to learn English and practice it, these web pages offer us to enhance our vocabulary, learn grammar rules, verbs, etc. it includes interactive games which allow us learn in funny an dynamic way
In these web pages we play interactively and we can enjoy the activities proposed for the other classmates.
I think it is very important to know these web pages and learn how to handle them, in order to practice our English in free time

These are the pages that were exposed in class=

-ESL Games
-La mansión del ingles
-Om personal

Autonomous learning class, May 25 In the autonomous learning class, we formed four-person working groups and the teacher assigned each ...